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Fun Friday–A Cover to Cover Comparison

Friday, February 27, 2009


For those of you who haven’t already seen it over on my fan page at Facebook, here’s the cover for Ransome’s Honor, Book 1 in the Ransome Trilogy, slated to release July 1, 2009:

(Isn’t it amazing how, even though it’s by a different publisher, the colors coordinate with my other two covers?)

After hearing all kinds of feedback on it, I thought it might be interesting to compare it to some of the other more recent covers of historical novels with which it will be competing. Granted, they’re not all from the same time period nor the English setting, but I personally think it fits in quite well! (And since many of these authors are friends/acquaintances of mine, I’ll ask that no one leave any disparaging remarks about any of these covers.)

  1. Friday, February 27, 2009 11:51 am

    The Ransome cover stacks up REALLY well. It’s in good company and it looks terrific. 🙂

    (I just have to say I totally expected more “blue” in the cover of The Blue Enchantress, LOL! The yellows/golds look great but they’ve turned my assumptions completely on upside down. 😛 Thanks so much for posting that cover, it reminded me to add the book to my Amazon wishlist.)


  2. Friday, February 27, 2009 11:53 am

    Have you read Red Siren yet? I finished it a couple of weeks ago and am so ready for the next book. I did the marketing copywriting for it last fall, so I have the synopsis still on my computer . . . and it’s really tempting to find it and re-read it because now I’ve read the first book, I’m not sure I can wait until Blue comes out to read what happens to the sisters next!


  3. Friday, February 27, 2009 12:13 pm

    I think Ransome’s cover fits in beautifully! I love these covers with the up-close, vivid heroine. I even like the heads chopped off at the top. 😉 It sure makes me want to read them all.


  4. Friday, February 27, 2009 10:07 pm

    Not that I read books anymore anyway, but if I had to pick one based on these covers, The Making of a Gentleman would win. You can see just enough of the girl’s face to know she’s cute, but not so much of her face as to tell you HOW cute, thus she could be as cute as you wanted her to be.

    I like it.


  5. Saturday, February 28, 2009 12:13 pm

    Beautiful! They’re all (pretty) historically accurate, which I love. Ok, so 18th century novel covers with heroines that look like they just stepped out of a 21 century magazine really tick me off…but these are all LOVELY! And yours is beautiful!


  6. Monday, March 2, 2009 1:32 pm

    One of the things I love about the Red Siren’s cover is that my first reaction of it was “a girl playing dress up” It just didn’t look quite right… and then I read the back cover and found out what the story was about and realized “Yep, that’s just about right!” I haven’t read it yet (no time) but hope to one day.


  7. Mary permalink
    Monday, March 2, 2009 3:36 pm

    I love these covers, so fresh and appealing.


  8. Tuesday, March 3, 2009 5:41 pm

    From a costume perspective I can nitpick every last one of these covers to death, but I won’t. If I knew nothing about clothes in the 19th century I’d be in love with every one of them.


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